Chongqing No. 1 Secondary School Academic Integrity Policy
2022/3/16 17:22:03

Author: Jinli Wei, Jingxiao Chen, Yanjun Liu     
Date of publication: May, 2022
Target audience: Students and parents who aims to participate in IB program in Chongqing No.1 Secondary School     
Date for next review: May, 2025     
Chongqing No. 1 Secondary School
Admission Policy
Mission and Structure of the Admissions Office
It is the mission of the Admissions office to recruit, inform and admit new, qualified students to Chongqing No.1 Secondary School in a professional and forthright manner, while maintaining the integrity of the school, the students and their families.
We aim to ensure that prospective families understand the school mission, philosophy and community. We also strive to give them a good initial understanding of the IB programs.
The Admissions Office comprises the Admissions Coordinators, who report to the Head of School and are assisted by the Admissions Assistant.
Admissions decisions are made by the Admissions Committee (see 2,2 below).
Admissions Policy and Procedures
Applications for admission are accepted throughout the year. No official decision on an application is given until all the relevant documents have been received (except in exceptional circumstances, see 2.3.). Families seeking admission for their child(ren) are advised to apply as early as possible as certain classes fill up quickly. All are encouraged to visit the school's website to learn more about the school, and to contact admission officers to join the admission process.
Admissions Committee and decision-making process
• Stage One: Application
There are two ways of application procedure for external students.
- On-line application system: The new students will be required to complete an on-line application form and upload required application documents.
- Face to face application system: The new students can come to the Admission Office of our school directly. A hard-copy application forms and relevant application documents are required as well.
• Stage Two: Entry Test
The Admissions Office will hold two written entry tests twice a school year (June). The written test is to mainly identify students' abilities in Chinese (mandarin). Math and English. An admitted student must obtain a minimum of 60% marks in the tests.
All students that take part in written tests are required to have oral interviews conducted by a panel that is constituted of Language examiners, subject teachers, homeroom teacher, and the DP Coordinator.
Stage Three: Decision to be made
The admission of new students will firstly be reviewed by the Admissions Office based on a comprehensive consideration of candidates' entry test results, interview performance and their background of previous educations. The Admissions Office will propose an admitted student list to the Head of School.
Stage Four: Offer Letter
Offer letter of admission will be sent out to students/parents no later than August 15. each year

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