Chongqing No. 1 Secondary School Assessment Policy
2022/3/16 17:23:02

Author: Jinli Wei, Jingxiao Chen, Jie Zhu     
Date of publication: May, 2022
Target audience: Students and parents who aims to participate in IB program in Chongqing No.1 Secondary School     
Date for next review: May, 2025   
1. School Philosophy……4
2. Assessment Criteria……4
2.1 Formative Assessment……4
2.2 Summative Assessment……5
2.3 Approaches to Learning (ATLs)……6
2.4 Self-Assessment……6
2.5 Peer Assessment……6
2.6 Internal Assessment……7
2.7 External Assessment……7
2.8 School-based Assessment……7
3. Reporting, Recording, and Grades……9
3.1 Grade Scale……9
3.1.1 Group 1: Studies in language and literature……9
3.1.2 Group 2: Language acquisition……10
3.1.3 Group 3: Individuals and societies……11
3.1.4 Group 4: Science……13
3.1.5 Group 5: Mathematics……15
3.1.6 The Core……16
3.1.7 Internal Assessment (IA) Timeline……17
3.2 Predicted Scale……18
3.3 Semester Grades……18
3.4 Diploma and Completion Certificate……19
3.5 Homework……20
3.6 Graduation Requirements Completed……20
4. Responsibilities……21
4.1 Teachers’ Responsibilities……21
4.2 Students’ Responsibilities……21
4.3 Parents/Guardians’ Responsibilities……22
5. Assessment and Other Policies……22
5.1 Academic Honesty Policy……22
5.2 Language Policy……22
5.3 Inclusion Policy……22
6. Resources……23
1. School Philosophy
Assessment is the process of collecting information from various sources to measure students' degree of achievement of the curriculum outcomes, to provide feedback for future guidance and to promote student learning. The assessments provide students with feedback and skills to inform and improve their learning, therefore, help to establish high academic attainments to meet school. International Baccalaureate, and university standards. Chongqing No. 1 Secondary School regard the assessment as one of the crucial procedures of the educational experience, focusing on the integrated development of students, seeking to provide timely, professional, specific, and contextualized feedback to all students, teachers, administrators, and parents.
Students should participate in their own assessment through self and peer assessment to demonstrate what they have learned, assess their progress during the whole learning period and identify specific strategies to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses to maximize their own potential. As far possible, teachers should consider different students' interests, learning preferences and their needs, continuously assess and manage students over a peri

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