Chongqing No. 1 Secondary School Inclusion Policy
2022/3/16 17:26:44

Author: Jinli Wei, Jingxiao Chen, Jie Zhu     
Date of publication: May, 2022
Target audience: Students and parents who aims to participate in IB program in Chongqing No.1 Secondary School     
Date for next review: May, 2025 
I. School Rationale……3
II. Admissions……3
III. Counselling service……3
1. Identification procedures……4
2. Categories of SEN students……4
3. Individual Education Plans……5
IV. Roles and responsibilities……6
1. IB……6
2. School……6
3. IB program coordinator……7
4. Parents……7
V. SEN support……8
1. Students with learning difficulties……8
2. Gifted students……8
I. School Rationale
Chongqing No. 1 Secondary School has been actively advocating optimum inclusiveness in education, which ensures teenage students with different backgrounds acquire equal opportunities to achieve academic excellence and intellectual improvement. The principle primarily underlines the caring recognition of special education needs (SEN) students and prohibits any discrimination to the students of disability or in exceptional conditions.
The educational spirit of our school properly aligns with the IB value, which articulates that,  “Inclusion is an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers to learning.” The whole school community, from the administrative team to teachers, students to parents, support crew to service staff, welcomes the cultural diversity to help build this downtown-located campus a harmonious study environment.
The implementation of the inclusion or SEN policy well demonstrates that our school expects the culture of containment, collaboration, problem solving and mutual respect. Under this framework, the IB Diploma Program will be equally accessible to any student who has the qualification of admission and aspires to develop international mindedness in high school, regardless of their physical or mental disability.
II. Admissions
The IB Inclusion Policy of No. 1 Secondary School aims to create a fair admission and learning environment that eliminate barriers in all aspects and ensure access for all students. Based on the holistic understanding of IB philosophy and meeting the eligibility of entry requirement. SEN students will have equal opportunities to apply for admissions after a series of rigorous identification procedures.
Equal access opportunity stands for identical application process, qualifications and criteria as all other students (see Admissions Policy 2.2/2.5/2.7). This means admissions consideration will not discriminate or favor any student who declares special needs.
III. Counselling service
In order to facilitate and regularize the admissions and assessment of SEN students, the school has thoroughl

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